Some preachers and teachers are stating that Paul was resurrected according to Acts 14.
A closer look we can conclude that Apostle Paul did not resurrect from the dead in Acts 14 nor does the Bible anywhere else suggest that he did. No legitimate Bible commentaries that I can find even hint at the possibility. Unlike Lazarus who was pronounced dead, placed in a tomb for four days, and resurrected by Christ (John 11:38-44), Paul possibly had just a near death experience but survived and was healed. A near death experience neither constitutes death nor resurrection.
Consider too, that when Paul was bitten by a deadly poisonous snake he survived when people expected him to die (Acts 28:1-6). They thought Paul must be a god because he did not die.
God’s faithful servants do not die as long as He has work for them to do. It wasn’t until Paul’s work was completed that he was presumably martyred by being beheaded in Rome.
What say you?
All comments are welcome. God bless