Will God accept our imperfect level of sincerity?
God doesn’t reject His people, He redeems them.
Because of our imperfectness we do not deserve salvation and there is nothing we can do to earn it (Ephesians 2:8,9). It is only by Gods grace through the gift of faith that we are saved.
Scripture tells us that due to the greatness, sufficiency, and perfection of Christ’s sacrifice at the Cross, all those who have been baptized by the Spirit (born again), and have truly received Christ as Savior are eternally secure in salvation, kept by God’s power, secured and sealed in Christ forever (John ch 3; 6:37-40; Ephesians 1:13,4:30).
Thus if a person is genuinely sincere in believing in Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord and that through Him is the only Way to be saved they are reconciled with Father God and are gifted eternal life (John 3:16). Father God convicts His people to have faith in His Son alone, a faith that is a living faith and not just a said faith.
But it is not the level of a genuine living faith a Christian has that determines if God will accept them or not. Jesus points this out in (Luke 17:6), what even a small faith can bring about. More important than the quantity of faith is the object of faith, a great and powerful God. So whether the level of a Christian’s faith is small and immature or great and mature doesn’t matter when it comes to salvation because God is the focus, and He is the only One who can and will transform His people by cleansing and moving the mountain of imperfection and sin out and away from them thus ultimately making them holy, pure, and perfect in every way.
Salvation is not based upon being perfect. Despite our depravity we are by God’s grace justified and saved by the righteous blood of our faith object, Jesus Christ. We as imperfect beings are reconciled and sealed in personal relationship with God, blessed with the gift of eternal security, and gradually over a lifetime made holy. Once saved our immature faith, trust, and obedience continues to increase and mature and eventually we lose the desire to sin and our willingness to fully surrender our life to God becomes genuinely evident and sincere.
God bless