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Saturday, September 26, 2009
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
This is my video about abortion! Use your mind's eye!
Someone should come up with a video showing pictures of what an unborn child would have looked like had they been given a chance to live, like at the age of two, five, ten, sixteen, eighteen, etc. (they do this with abducted children)...And give him or her a name, a playground, a best friend, a first bike, a first birthday, a Prom, and make it real, make it hurt, make it sting; make it burn in our memories.
And give him or her a voice, their first words being, "mommy, daddy," their second words being, "I love you mommy and daddy." Have the child phone home after his first week in college and thank mom and dad for the struggles they went through just to make their future promising. And show how the aborted children could have comforted and cared for their parents in their old age had they been given the same chance to make it to that ripe old, beautiful, glorious age. And finally, show a child holding the hand of a sick and dying parent, who is ready to take his or her last breath, and let it be said, “You were the best mom I could have ever hoped for, dreamt for, or wished for, I love you so deeply, now close your tired, weary eyes and sleep, and I will meet you in heaven one day, and kiss the precious hands of Jesus for creating your special soul. I love you mommy!”
Abortion is a thief; it robs the young and the old!
And give him or her a voice, their first words being, "mommy, daddy," their second words being, "I love you mommy and daddy." Have the child phone home after his first week in college and thank mom and dad for the struggles they went through just to make their future promising. And show how the aborted children could have comforted and cared for their parents in their old age had they been given the same chance to make it to that ripe old, beautiful, glorious age. And finally, show a child holding the hand of a sick and dying parent, who is ready to take his or her last breath, and let it be said, “You were the best mom I could have ever hoped for, dreamt for, or wished for, I love you so deeply, now close your tired, weary eyes and sleep, and I will meet you in heaven one day, and kiss the precious hands of Jesus for creating your special soul. I love you mommy!”
Abortion is a thief; it robs the young and the old!
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Hi Everyone...:)
Actually, the object of a Christians faith is not the Cross, but rather belief and trust in Jesus Christ and what He did at the Cross.
“ looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God” (Hebrews 12:2).
“For everyone who has been born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world--our faith” (1 John 5:4).
Christ is our faith object and the Cross simply symbolizes an instrument of and exposure to death-that is, the very atonement of Christ (Philippians 2:8). Christians kneel before the Cross in remembrance of Jesus’ death and that we are saved from God’s wrath because He did. Thus the Cross is only the place where our Savior and Lord shed His Blood and died representing the “cross road” from death to eternal life.
Ephesians 1:7, “In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of his grace,”
Christians believe that they dare not put their faith in the foolish wisdom found in worldly men, but only in the godly wisdom of Christ who saved us at the Cross and who rose again (1Corinthians 1:17). The power and wisdom of God is in the Blood of Christ crucified (v-18). God’s wisdom is manifested in the life, teachings, death, and resurrection of Jesus (v-30; Romans 1:4,16; Colossians 2:3). Thus we preach Christ crucified at the Cross.
The Cross represents the place where Christ’s power defeated Satan and death- that is, no longer is Satan and sin the curse of eternal death upon Christians (Romans 6:23). And because of what Christ did at the cross and by resurrecting back to life Satan and death will one day be destroyed (1 Corinthians 15:26,54; 2 Corinthians 1:9; Hebrews 2:14). What Satan intended for the torturous cross of rejection and death to be, Jesus victoriously made His Cross a place of Redemption so that His people could be set free.
The cross is a place where Christ atoned for the sins of the world so that His people may be forgiven and reconciled with Father God no longer under the curse of His wrath (Ephesians 2:16; Colossians 1:20). It was a place where salvation became a reality for those lost to Satan and the world. A place where man’s legal demands of religious law were nailed, fulfilled, and abolished as requirements for salvation.
The Cross represents the burden and suffering Christians bear as we pick up our cross and follow Him (Luke 9:23; 14:27). This meaning that if a Christian is going to share in Christ’s glory they must also share in His suffering (Philippians 3:10).
What is most important though, is that on the third day Christ resurrected as promised and ascended back into heaven from where He came (Hebrew 12:2). And it is because of His resurrection that we can be assured He alone died at the Cross for the divine purpose of being glorified and to save His people. Because of His resurrection He is our faith object who we can trust as the only Way, the Truth, and the Life for our eternal salvation (John 14:6). End
Comments are welcome... What say you?
God bless,
Bro Dan
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Would it be wrong for a Christian to buy a Buddha idol, as a gift, for a Buddhist?
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